
man.links.are.underlined — Underline links?


<xsl:param name="man.links.are.underlined">1</xsl:param>


If the value of man.links.are.underlined is non-zero (the default), then the contents of links are rendered with an underline.

If the value of man.links.are.underlined is zero, links are displayed without any underlining.


Currently, this parameter only affects output for ulinks.

If you set man.links.are.numbered and/or man.links.list.enabled to zero (disabled), then you should probably also set man.links.are.underlined to zero. But if man.links.are.numbered is non-zero (enabled), you should probably set a non-zero value for man.links.are.underlined also[3].

[3] If the main purpose of underlining of links in most output formats it to indicate that the underlined text is “clickable”, given that links rendered in man pages are not “real” hyperlinks that users can click on, it might seem like there is never a good reason to have link contents underlined in man output.

In fact, if you suppress the display of inline link references (by setting man.links.are.numbered to zero), there is no good reason to have links underlined. However, if man.links.are.numbered is non-zero, having links underlined may (arguably) serve a purpose: It provides “context” information about exactly what part of the text is being “annotated” by the link. Depending on how you use mark up your content, that context information may or may not have value.