
class OSGDB_EXPORT osgDB::Output

ofstream wrapper class for adding support for indenting.


Public Methods

[more] Output()
[more] Output(const char* name)
[more]virtual ~Output()
[more]void open(const char* name)
[more]Output& indent()
[more]std::string wrapString(const std::string& str)
wrap a string with "" quotes and use \" for any internal quotes
[more]inline void setIndentStep(int step)
[more]inline int getIndentStep() const
[more]inline void setIndent(int indent)
[more]inline int getIndent() const
[more]inline void setNumIndicesPerLine(int num)
[more]inline int getNumIndicesPerLine() const
[more]void moveIn()
[more]void moveOut()
[more]virtual bool writeObject(const osg::Object& obj)
[more]bool getUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)
[more]bool createUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)
[more]bool registerUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)
[more]inline void setPathNameHint(const PathNameHint pnh)
[more]inline const PathNameHint getPathNameHint() const
[more]virtual const std::string getFileNameForOutput(const std::string& filename) const

Public Members

[more]enum PathNameHint

Protected Fields

[more]int _indent
[more]int _indentStep
[more]int _numIndicesPerLine
[more]UniqueIDToLabelMapping _objectToUniqueIDMap
[more]std::string _filename
[more]PathNameHint _pathNameHint

Protected Methods

[more] Output(const Output&)
[more]Output& operator = (const Output&)
[more]virtual void init()

Protected Members

[more]typedef std::map<const osg::Object*,std::string> UniqueIDToLabelMapping


ofstream wrapper class for adding support for indenting. Used in output of .osg ASCII files to improve their readability.
o Output()

o Output(const char* name)

ovirtual ~Output()

ovoid open(const char* name)

oOutput& indent()

ostd::string wrapString(const std::string& str)
wrap a string with "" quotes and use \" for any internal quotes

oinline void setIndentStep(int step)

oinline int getIndentStep() const

oinline void setIndent(int indent)

oinline int getIndent() const

oinline void setNumIndicesPerLine(int num)

oinline int getNumIndicesPerLine() const

ovoid moveIn()

ovoid moveOut()

ovirtual bool writeObject(const osg::Object& obj)

obool getUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)

obool createUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)

obool registerUniqueIDForObject(const osg::Object* obj, std::string& uniqueID)

oenum PathNameHint





oinline void setPathNameHint(const PathNameHint pnh)

oinline const PathNameHint getPathNameHint() const

ovirtual const std::string getFileNameForOutput(const std::string& filename) const

o Output(const Output&)

oOutput& operator = (const Output&)

ovirtual void init()

oint _indent

oint _indentStep

oint _numIndicesPerLine

otypedef std::map<const osg::Object*,std::string> UniqueIDToLabelMapping

oUniqueIDToLabelMapping _objectToUniqueIDMap

ostd::string _filename

oPathNameHint _pathNameHint

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